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Spices for Your Next Adventure
Gear up for your next hunt with these rugged spice blends from Roaming Fire. Designed for everything from summer veggies to elk chops, these gritty spices have you covered for your next backcountry adventure.

Mike Reeber
Sep 5, 20192 min read
Bacon, Bourbon & Onion Jam
Dove season has officially opened here in the Lone Star State, which also means that we're within 30 days of deer season kicking off!...

Mike Reeber
Oct 15, 20183 min read
Preparing a Rack of Venison
To me, processing freshly harvested wild game is a real treat. The fact that you can take your time and cut everything exactly how you'd...

Mike Reeber
May 20, 20183 min read
Tequila Marinated Venison Tacos with Smoked Corn Salsa
I'm always looking for new ways to marinate wild game for recipes that you can use in the same day. There are absolutely bunches of great...

Mike Reeber
Mar 4, 20182 min read
Venison Backstrap: New Twist On An Old Favorite.
Among all of the memories that I have from past deer seasons, some of the best ones revolved around meals. Sometimes we celebrated a...

Mike Reeber
Aug 20, 20173 min read
No Gimmicks Here, Just 100% Fresh Buck Urine Delivered to Your Door.
It was probably about 2 years ago when I sat down and wrote a piece on how in-store scent displays are not only just getting out of hand,...

Mike Reeber
Sep 11, 20163 min read
A Fresh Season and New Land
​As I sit here thinking about the next few months and the hunts that'll take place, I'm stuck thinking about the past and how much I've...

Mike Reeber
Aug 16, 20161 min read
Gearing Up For Deer Season 2016
How in the world is it already August?! When the first of the month rolled around last week, I knew that it was time to get my tail in...

Mike Reeber
Aug 5, 20163 min read
Seems like every other page in your favorite hunting magazine has to do with deer management and steps on how to turn your property into...
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