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Trophy Whitetail and Exotic Hunting

Geronimo Creek Ranch, Yancey Texas
Geronimo Creek Ranch is located in Medina County, TX, about an hour west of San Antonio. With nearly 1,400 acres of South Texas brush, crop fields and hidden meadows, there's just no telling what you might see on any given hunt. Whether you're looking for spring Rio Grande turkeys, monster Texas whitetail or are interested in pursuing the exotic of your dreams, Geronimo Creek has it all.
Five star accommodations, incredible South Texas hunting opportunities, chef prepared meals and lots of great memories--we look forward to hunting with you soon!
Interested in booking a hunt? Email us directly or DM us on Instagram for rates and hunt availability! 
Types of Game
Axis Deer
Gemsbuck Oryx
Scimitar-Horned Oryx
Fallow Deer
Whitetail Deer
Red Stag
Painted Desert Sheep
Texas Dall Sheep
Sandhill Crane
Typical Big Game Hunt Schedule
Day 1:
Early afternoon arrival
Check firearms and optics
Afternoon hunt
Day 2:
Morning Hunt
Relax, fish, shoot trap etc.
Afternoon hunt
Day 3:
Same as day 2
Day 4:
Morning Hunt
Barn breakfast
Departure from ranch

Yancey, TX

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Hunting Guides

Brian Edwards

Lead Guide

Hunting Guide, Brian Edwards

Guide & Ranch Chef

Mike Reeber

Mike Reeber
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